Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Inkwell of Brynhild

I am not very good at writing about myself without something specific to relate.  However, I shall certainly endeavor to do so, nevertheless.

Currently, I am attending college and so far am finding the experience rewarding, if somewhat daunting.  I live three hours away, which is chiefly why I am not one of the few and unfortunate commuter students on campus.

I am a lover of words, history, and mythology; reading and writing being my two biggest pastimes.  I am not really a "blogger," but I had a sudden impulse to try my hand at it, so here I am.

Now, a little on the somewhat unusual title.  Brynhild is faily self-evident.  That would be yours truly.  Inkwell is - to put it somewhat poorly - a bit of a pun.  I think of it as a sort of font from which ideas spring.  One dips the nib of a quill in the inkwell and, from the ink there, can place it upon parchment and write.  One draws from an inkwell to write.  And, more importantly, "inkwell" is one of my favorite words...I just like it.  I couldn't really say what, particularly, is the cause of this affection, but it exists...and that is your explanation.  

Do enjoy!

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